Elevated Achievement’s Learning Model is driven by the learner and answers the question—What does a learner need to know in order to better own his learning? The Learning Model is made up of five student-centered phases: setting the Learning Context, stating the Learning Outcome, engaging in the Learning Process, producing the Learning Demonstration, and implementing the Learning Application.

Context Outcome Process Demonstration Application

Why is the learning important?
How will I share this information with my students?

This is the phase of the lesson during which the lesson is introduced to the students and placed within a context. Context includes informing students about what they will learn, why this learning is important, and how it connects to previous and future learning. Most importantly, this phase helps students begin to answer the question, “Why am I learning this?” The teacher can make connections to real world applications and to the final prompt or product of the unit.

While setting the Learning Context, the teacher clearly and specifically introduces what students will be learning, why it is important to them, how this learning connects to previous learning, and how they will apply what they have learned in the future. This information will be restated while implementing the Learning Application.

What will my students learn?
How will I share this information with my students?

This is the phase of the lesson during which students specifically understand what they will be learning and how they will show they have learned it. During this phase, the teacher explains WHAT the students will be learning (the skill of the standard) and HOW they will SHOW that they have learned (a demonstration or product). Students will struggle with the learning if they are not clear how to answer the question, “What will I learn?”

While stating the Learning Outcome, the learning can be explained in a variety of ways—as a learning intention with success criteria, as a learning goal, as an objective, or as one part of a larger unit. The learning outcome should be stated, written, discussed, or addressed as determined by student needs. Students will have the opportunity to produce or demonstrate the learning of this outcome while producing the Learning Demonstration.

How will my students learn it?
How will I share this information with my students?

This is the phase of the lesson during which students are actively engaged in learning the skills stated in Learning Outcome. At the end of this phase, students will be able to successfully produce the Learning Demonstration. Teachers determine which instructional strategy or methodology will most effectively and efficiently teach students the outcome of the lesson. Students must understand these choices if they are to build metacognition and answer the question, “How will I learn this?”

While engaging in the Learning Process, the teacher gives students ample opportunities to learn, whether independently, in a small group, or during whole group instruction. The teacher also explains their role in the learning—either as a model, as a direct facilitator, or as a monitor that provides feedback and keeps the learning on track. Instruction should feel flexible and fluid. The decision of how to engage students in the Learning Process is based on the skill being learned and the students who are learning it. For example, if learning a higher-order thinking skill (e.g. how to cite evidence to make an inference) the delivery method can be much more open-ended. If learning a more discrete skill (e.g. mathematical computations or blending words with a diphthong) the delivery method can be more tightly structured. In either case, the teacher must determine which method best teaches the skills stated in Learning Outcome so students can successfully produce mastery during Learning Demonstration.

How will my students show that they have learned it?
How will I share this information with my students?

This is the phase of the lesson during which students produce work that shows they can demonstrate the skill independently and accurately. Students will need to understand what successful learning looks like and sounds like if they are to answer the question, “How will I show that I have learned it?”

While producing the Learning Demonstration, the teacher describes what students need to demonstrate to show mastery of the lesson’s learning, why this shows mastery, and the criteria for success. Much of this information was first explained while stating the Learning Outcome.

How will my students continue to use this learning?
How will I share this information with my students?

This is the phase of the lesson during which connections are made from the current learning to subsequent learning. Clarity of future application is crucial for students to retain the skill or content, apply the skill or content in a variety of ways, and transfer the skill or content to other situations. This phase helps students answer the question, “How will I continue to use what I have learned?”

While implementing the Learning Application, the teacher offers the students various opportunities during which they can apply the learning in a variety of ways, reflect on their learning and their growth, and develop stronger metacognition. This information was first given to the student while setting the Learning Context.

If a teacher plans with this thinking in mind and shares this information with the students BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the lesson, the students will be clear in what their role is in the learning.

As educators, we know that learning is much more than a teacher’s delivery method or a student’s completion of an assignment. It also involves each student’s understanding of what they have learned, how they have learned it, and what they have learned about their own learning. This is the metacognitive side of learning that will build students’ motivation, push them to higher academic growth, and develop their ownership of their own learning. This is the approach that elevates learning to learner ownership, or learnership.

Someone who has true learnership is one who self-directs, self-evaluates, self-reflects, and self-controls their own learning. And these self-driven attributes drive students’ motivation to learn. To be truly motivated in learning, students need to know and be able to articulate the following each and every day…

  • Why am I learning this?
    I am learning this because…
  • What am I learning?
    I am learning…
  • How am I learning this?
    I am learning this by…
  • How am I showing I am learning it?
    I am showing I am learning it when…
  • How am I using this learning later?
    I am going to use this later because…
  • What is my role in the learning?
    My role is…

The Learning Model supports lesson planning, delivery, and reflection by ensuring teachers answer these questions and share that information with their students each and every day.

Teaching is now defined as a constant stream of professional decisions made before, during, and after interactions with students; decisions which, when implemented, increase the probability of learning.
Consequently, it is important for teachers to consciously and deliberately identify the decisions needing to be made in each category and base their decisions on research validated knowledge.

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